Monday, June 02, 2008

Balcony 2

This is the same thing. It's longer. And it's kind of more...dizzy inducing. But you get to see the view from our balcony!
I was walking around kind of mumbling, but I was saying that we have no cicadas on our balcony, so I can't show any, and then I looked down and said, "I wonder if you can see them on the ground", but no, because our camera doesn't have zoom. (It's a digital camera that has a stupid video feature.) Then I went to the other side of the balcony to see if there were any cicadas lying around, and nope, there were none. Beyond the trees is our small lake. It doesn't have a cool name. It's just the lake. And the cat on the video is Jasper.
We had just expected to see more...well any cicadas since we live in a wooded area and the trees have been there more than 20 years (17 is the magic number). We saw 2 mating in the parking lot. It was really cool, and I took a picture with my cell phone, and it wasn't that great, so it's not here. I don't even know where it is. It's on my old cell phone, I guess. But I digress...


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