Sunday, November 12, 2006

The last two...for now.

These two are my favorites. The smiling one is SO cute, but it's blurry. I'll have to fix it later. I just wanted to put it up now.

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This one shows that she's gonna grow up loving roller coasters (yesssssss) (and maybe hate having her feet tickled)

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Happy Little Family

This is one of my favorite pictures. It's really great. This was taken Sunday morning.

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Who does she look like?

She looks like she has Al's lips, but she also has Riley's feet!! They're pretty big (not HUGE) for her size (definite athlete), but she also has Riley's signature toes. She's a lucky little girl.

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Daddy's Girl

Caroline got a little irritated by me holding her for too long, but Dad was able to calm her down with some pats on her tummy and some whispering in her ear. Yes, this is when you say, "Awwww..." in the girl tone. It was very sweet.

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...More Pictures?

Yes, here's some more pictures. I did some black and white, and sepia. Not sure how well I like it just yet, but check it out.

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Here's some pictures I took of Caroline at her house on Saturday, November 11th. She's such a great photo subject! She never complained about my flash-even once.

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Caroline's Video

Please excuse the blah video quality, but here's a video I took of Caroline at her home on Saturday, November 11th.