People on our balcony
People on our balcony. See? We have year-round rope lights. Here's Erin & Tylor on my 25th birthday.
Katie, Megan, Jon, Erin & Tylor, 25th birthday, again
Me and Megan, same birthday. See the rum on the cooler? That would explain the tongue.
Danny and his "boyfriend" Jim. Ok, so we took a lot of pictures on the balcony that night and not a whole lot since...(by the way if you're wondering, I'm 28 now. So that gives you an idea of how old these are. I'll be 29 in August) You'd be able to see that Danny and Jim have a redheaded guy connection, but it's in black and white. Could you tell?
Emma & Charlie Roller, Mother's Day 2007. Doesn't Charlie look like a younger, smart-aleck version of Mr. Joe Anderson? I think so...